Blog 16: Revision Strategies

My recursive writing process I feel is very common with most people. The first step I feel that works best for me is when I am reading a text, I will mark up the text and try to make connections with it. This helps me gain insight on what the author is truly trying to convey in his piece of work. I will sometimes also summarize a paragraph if it is important to the reading. Summarizing helps you remember what you just read for future reference. The second step is my favorite brainstorming strategies. What works best for me is making a detailed outline. Making a detailed outline puts everything in order of what you are going to talk about and what material you will be using during your essay. The detailed outline is the hard part, while the essay is actually the easy part to write because you already have your ideas written down. The third step is my favorite drafting strategies. Truly, I don’t have any drafting strategies, I feel like I just write all my ideas down and try and make my rough draft as good as possible so I won’t need to do many revisions. The fourth step is the revision strategies. My favorite revision strategy is the peer review workshops. It gives me insight on what I need to work on and what I do really well in my writing. Also reviewing others writing style and looking at their ideas can create new ideas that I can write in my essay. The last step is the polishing strategies. In order to polish your paper, re-read your essay and make sure there is no grammatical errors and that everything in your paper flows nicely. 

Blog 15: Peer Review

Personally, I really enjoy peer review. It gives me the opportunity to view others writing types and gather ideas of what they did really well in order to make my essay even better. The main reason why I love peer review is to gather new ideas that I can also incorporate into my own essay. Also the comments made by others gives me insight on what I need to work on in my essay and what I do really well in my essay.

My overall plan to make my essay better is to really improve my introduction and conclusion. I didn’t really know what I was supposed to include in the introduction for this essay but now with the guidance of my peer reviewers, I know exactly what I can work on for my introduction and my conclusion. I also need to work on my paragraph placement. The way some of my paragraphs are structured and placed doesn’t really make sense. The way I believe to fix this is to reread my entire essay and determine what order the paragraphs should be in. I will also ask some of my peers that live on the same floor as me to do the same. After I make these changes, I believe my essay will be very well developed.

Blog 14: Outline

In my essay, the forms of communication that I plan on using are linguistic, visual, audio, and spacial. I want to talk about how everyone has a different perspective on beauty. I would like to compare society’s perspective of beauty to my own perspective. Also I would like to see how different generations view beauty. I would like to incorporate the song Boy by Lee Brice in order to incorporate something that I view as beautiful. In Armstrong’s essay he states, “beauty lies in the eye of the beholder”. I would like to explain this and further interrupt it. He explains that everyone experiences and views beauty in there own and unique way. I will most likely use the Owl Purdue to help with my citations.


  • My introduction will touch bases on mostly everything that I will be talking about which will be Armstrong’s essay, the song Boy, and some of my classmates projects.
  • My first body paragraph will be about comparing society’s perspective of beauty to my own perspective. Also how different generations view of beauty compares to our generation
  • My second body paragraph will be exploring Armstrong’s essay and how his beliefs compare to my own.
  • My third and fourth paragraphs will be exploring two of my classmates projects. Im thinking about doing Olivia Gagne’s project and maybe Hannah Little’s project.
  • Finally I will have my conclusion which will highlight everything in my essay in one final punch.

Blog 13: La Bella Vita

When one thinks about beauty, they normally are thinking about what a person is on the outside which is along the lines of elegant and fashionable. However Armstrong’s essay is trying to stray away from that perception of beauty and move on to a new perception which is more complex. Armstrong’s statement, “To regard beauty as a luxury adornment or a social signifier was to miss the true potential of the experience,” means that people who focus on their social status and possessions are not truly grasping the real meaning behind beauty. Beauty is something that comes from within. It’s not about what other people view you by but its by how you view yourself as a person. Armstrong’s states that beauty “elevate[s] the soul”. This quote is saying that Armstrong believes that true beauty doesn’t come from who you are on the outside, but rather who you are on the inside that makes you who you are.

I believe beauty is so much more than just looks. I agree with Armstrong that beauty comes from within. I think that beauty is something that you are or you aren’t. What makes someone beautiful is their actions that they take. If someone is constantly doing good deeds for people and putting others before themselves, I believe that that is truly beautiful and something magical. A kind hearted person is beautiful in my mind, thats all it takes. You can be the most gorgeous person in the world but if your heart isn’t in the right place and your a snob, she might be pretty, but she’s definitely not beautiful and anyone would be able to tell just by talking to that person.